At Colibri Temple, we offer a sacred space where you can reconnect with your inner light, receive guidance, and find healing. We believe that everyone has a unique light within, waiting to be rekindled, and our mission is to facilitate the journey towards self-discovery and healing through the use of ceremony, ritual, and ancestral wisdom.

Our approach is rooted in ancestral wisdom and tradition, and we seek to remember the ways of our ancestors and to bring their wisdom forward into the present. We believe that by honoring our ancestors, we can bring healing not only to ourselves but to our entire lineage, both backward and forward.

Currently, at Colibri Temple, we work with two Abuelas (Grandmothers) who guide most of the events we co-facilitate. These Elders have a very sweet yet very powerful approach to life, and we honor their wisdom and seek to be a bridge between them and you. Our online courses are designed to provide guidance and support for those who are unable to attend our in-person events. Our readings offer a personalized approach to spiritual guidance, while our retreats provide a deeper immersion into this work.

We believe that by creating a community of like-minded individuals, we can support each other in our journeys towards healing and self-discovery. Our community is a safe and supportive space where you can connect with others, share your experiences, and find guidance and support.

It's important to note that our Abuelas don't particularly enjoy the increased exposure that the internet brings nowadays, which means you might not see a lot of public content featuring their presence. However, we trust that those who resonate with our way of working will find us, either through word of mouth or by pure intuition.

Colibri Temple is an ever-changing entity, like a hummingbird that moves swiftly through the airs. The offerings and facilitators might change in time, but we will always be rooted in the Ancestral ways, the path of reconnecting with ourselves and bringing us back to an harmonious inner balance. We believe that by continuously evolving and adapting, we can better serve our community and help individuals on their journeys towards healing and self-discovery.

Join us on this journey and let us guide you back to your center at Colibri Temple.





Granddaughter of curanderos from the region near Chavin, Maestra Cecilia is a researcher and teacher of the knowledge and values from the Quechua culture of Conchucos Valley, Ancash, Peru.

“From Quechua parents and grandparents, with the ritual use of the sacred cactus proper to my tradition, I went through my reflection to the memories of my childhood and, more exactly, to the words used by my parents, my family members and all my community, all farmers. Containing words of vibration, of ancient messages, that allowed me to decipher, together with the cactus and the Chavín temple, the cosmo-experience of the peoples and the ancestral wisdom that still lingers alive in the communities of Conchucos".

Cecilia currently leads the association Yarpakuti Chawpin, which seeks to preserve the Quechua language, "weaving generational bridges" between the youngest and the oldest.